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Compression after Tummy Tuck procedure (Abdominoplasty)

It is important to invest in compression garments that are specifically designed for post-surgical patients. Flexible yet firm compression garments will help to reduce the initial swelling following the procedure and can even help with pain management.


Abdominoplasty or "tummy tuck" is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen thinner and more firm. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. A compression garment after tummy tuck procedure will help throughout every stage of your recovery.


In the weeks following your tummy tuck, your compression garments will help you feel as comfortable as possible while the swelling subsides. It’s important not to stretch or bend in ways your doctor has advised against. Marena’s garments provide targeted compression with antimicrobial active silver and a crotchless design. This ensures you can stay in the initial garment up to several days, depending on your surgeon's recommendation. Those who wear high-quality compression garments often find that they sleep and rest better during this initial stage of recovery.


In the first several months after your surgery, you will likely want to continue wearing compression garments in order to support your recovering body and preserve your results. Your compression garment after tummy tuck will tone your skin during this phase of your recovery as well as support your muscles.


After your initial recovery, you may find that you still want to wear compression garments in order to enhance your new look and continue enjoying your lifestyle. There are versatile and flexible compression garments that can be worn for months following the tummy tuck procedure, and patients find that this helps them feel relaxed, confident, and secure as their body finishes healing.

By creating a comprehensive tummy tuck recovery plan with your surgeon that includes light, targeted exercise as well as a compression garment schedule, you will be able to maximize your results following this cosmetic surgery procedure. Your tummy tuck will allow you to feel fit, fresh, and beautiful once again, and your new regimen will ensure that you enjoy a healthy, balanced lifestyle for the years to come.


Marena Recovery products are available on our online shop and in certain clinics which sell post-surgery garments to their patients.

Contact us if you are the clinic and/or doctor working in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia, and wish to have personal demonstration of Marena Recovery range and/or to try this particular product.

Otherwise, please click the button if you need this product for personal use:

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